Datorita problemelor noilor versinui nu am mai pus versiunile trecute.
Dar pana la urma pun si versiunea asta.
Nu uitati, ca pentru a va merge jocul trebuie sa aveti instalat asta.
Totusi sunt unele incompatibilitati la placile video, si pe unele nu merg.
Daca va da eroarea cu Send Error Report/Don`t Send cand incercati sa intrati in vreo cursa, nu prea aveti sanse sa va mearga asa usor.
Modificari de la ultima versiune pusa pe forum:
Dar pana la urma pun si versiunea asta.
Nu uitati, ca pentru a va merge jocul trebuie sa aveti instalat asta.
Totusi sunt unele incompatibilitati la placile video, si pe unele nu merg.
Daca va da eroarea cu Send Error Report/Don`t Send cand incercati sa intrati in vreo cursa, nu prea aveti sanse sa va mearga asa usor.
Modificari de la ultima versiune pusa pe forum:
- Bugfix: Sun direction for non-Cg shaders was bad.
- Controller setup crashed upon Saving (if more than 2 controllers were defined in data/controls/default.ini).
- Changed 'fast_time' syntax to be a speed modifier. I.e fast_time 5000 does a quick 24h loop (was already like this in v072).
- Removed 'renderer.gpu_shaders' option. Cg is a requirement now.
- Modified Ackerman effect; the factor should always be >0, and probably >1 for realism.
- Modified Lambo's ackerman of wheel1 to 1.2 (was -1.2) to fix turning symmetry.
- Modified brakelight threshold from 0.2 to 0.1 (at 10% braking, the brakelight will turn on)
- Flipped car light image projection (while there are still almost no cars with lights). The image was vertically flipped.
- Added 'fog density <x>' script command. Fog beginning to change to general atmosphere functions though.
- Added global shader material properties which are passed to Cg; see http://racer.nl/reference/shadereng.htm#matglobal
- Added an atmosphere to Carlswood. For general info on atmospheres, see http://racer.nl/tutorial/gpushader.htm
- Added Cg shader parameters: lightAmbient, Ka, Kd, Ke, Ks, shininess and a bunch of others, see http://racer.nl/tutorial/gpushader.htm
- Added car.ini projected light 'far' falloff variable (lights.light<n>.far), see http://racer.nl/tutorial/car_lights.htm#projected_lights
- Modified car light Cg shaders to include Some1's coloring (thanks!).
- Tracked: load track now keeps the camera in the same location.
- Added Ctrl-Shift-F key which resets the car, only forward a bit.
- Added lightly animating trees to demonstrate Cg in Carlswood (data/renderer/shaders/animate_test_v.cg).
- Bugfix: inboard dials weren't positioned correctly
- In vertex/fragment shaders, 'uniform float time' didn't work anymore
- Added shader<name>.layer<n>.ambient & diffuse material properties for car.shd/track.shd files (wasn't read)
- Modifying time of day; the sun location is now calculated precisely. For now based on the Netherlands, July 15th. North is up onscreen.
Mostly the same as v0.6.5, only this( version uses Cg shaders
- Added flares to enhance car lights. See http://www.racer.nl/tutorial/car_lights.htm (quite a few parameters)
- Added car projected lights options; see http://www.racer.nl/tutorial/car_lights.htm
- Added track special.ini's gfx.night setting to indicate night tracks (car lights then turn on by default)
- Car lights turn on automatically at rain & night tracks
- Added car.ini:animation.flash_lights to be able to flash all lights (only usable probably for F1-style cars)
- Bugfix: live envmapping was bad; it used an old renderer. Also the rendered area was not 90x90 degrees actually per side (aspects were not 1).
- Bugfix: car LOD system always skipped first LOD
- Bugfix: car model offsetting only worked for the highest LOD
- Bugfix: snow/rain grip only worked on 1 axis instead of 2.
- Added track's special.ini sun.enable to disable sun painting (for dark tracks)
- Added track's special.ini env.thunder to directly set thunder amount
- Added track's special.ini gfx.shadows.intensity_projected to set intensity of projected shadows of cars
- Added drafting/slipstreaming between cars (car.ini:aero.draft.*)
- Moved aero info to Ctrl-2 debug screen
- Added dev.log_last setting to automatically show the last QLOG entries if any errors/warnings occurred at exit (for development of cars/tracks).
- Added animated rain using a curve (special.ini:env.rain_curve=...). The X axis is the time in seconds.
- Curved: added 'normalize' function. The Lambo still had an absolute torque.crv file.
- Curved: added 'scale' function. Always useful.
- Rain/snow environment.*.grip_factor limited to 0..1 to avoid unrealistic modifications.
- Added gfx.show_aero option to visualize aerodynamics (drafting only)
- Added script commands: show aero, hide aero, show carpoints, hide carpoints
- Added engine torque to engine logging group (next to rpm, gear)
- Modeler bugfix; ASE normals weren't modified by TM_ROWx (often wheel models, when exported using ASE and
imported in Modeler) would have strange lighting problems where the light appeared to rotate along
with the model. Re-exporting to DOF should fix this (this applies to car modelers then).
- Tracked: added 'track_template.shd' generation for all used materials in a track
- Added 'watchdog.exe' to the installation (useful for the lobbyserver)
This version is the last one that comes without Cg shaders. Useful for people with
lower-end graphics cards that want a taste of Racer. See v0.7.0 for the list of changes,
although this version skips on some features (lights for example).
Ultima editare efectuata de catre AndyM in Joi Iul 30, 2009 5:14 pm, editata de 2 ori